November 2024
Youth Engagement Council Newsletter

is your interact club registered for
2024-2025? You must register every year!
Is your Interact Club Registered?
Has your Interact Advisor Changed?
If you don't know you can reach out to
DGE Nicole Brien. 
Click her name to email her.
The Martha's Vineyard
 Interact Club

Crop Walk Project
You can check out the MV Club HERE

The Crop Walk is a community organized event to raise money for world hunger. Occurring in many different towns and cities, people come together with the help of groups or congregations to walk for a set distance and fundraise to help this issue. On Martha's Vineyard, we partnered with different groups on the island to raise money for and participate in the Crop Walk. Getting sponsors and donations form local business, families, and friends and hosting bake sales at school through our Interact Club we were able to raise money which the Rotary club matched to donate. On October 20th community members came together on a beautiful day and walked around 3 miles for the cause; World Hunger.


Calling ALL Interact Club Advisors!!!

We would love to have 2 of your students join our Student Youth Council.  There is still time for this great opportunity! The next zoom meeting is Nov 24th - Contact Stephanie today so your students don't miss out.

Please contact Stephanie(email below) for the info to join this monthly meeting.

On Monday Nov 18th Jill & Steve Albright held a fantastic zoom presentation on all things Youth Exchange.  Below are a few links to some of the materials shared.  Please click the links to get all the great information.  If you OR your club would like more info please reach out to Jill at
Slide Show Presentation - Click HERE to download
Youth Exchange Scholarship Poster - Click HERE
Click HERE for more info on Youth Exchange
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where you develop your skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.  RYLA is set for May 16-18, 2025.
Check out this video for more on RYLA
We are looking for Rotarians to join this subcommittee - if you would like more info please email Lew Gordon at
message from youth engagement committee...
What a great Leadership Zoom Call on Nov 18th. Thank you to all who joined us.  We hope that more members will take an interested in the Youth Exchange programs.
If you have any follow up questions or need help with anything Youth Program related please feel free to reach out to our committee.
The Youth Engagement Council is developing a calendar of virtual meetings to offer topic specific webinars to anyone who is interested in learning more about our Youth Programs. 
Upcoming Zoom
RYLA - January 15th at 6:30pm
Our committee is so excited to see our Rotarian’s interest in youth programs! To get involved or for more information, please contact Diane at
Click the link below to go to the District Interact Page Photo Album.  
Interact AWARDS!
Each year, over 15,000 Interact clubs across the world are driving positive impacts within their communities. To celebrate their hard work, Rotary International hosts an annual campaign: the Interact Awards. Click the link below for more info and to submit your Interact project.  Due date is December 2nd!
Important Dates
December 2nd — Interact Video Awards submissions due
January 15th at 6:30pm - RYLA Zoom

February tba - Interact Grants & Fundraising Zoom
May — Youth Service Month
May 17th - Rotary Day of Service 
May 30th - June 1st - District Conference
August 15th — Reports due for the Rotary Citation for Interact Clubs

Reach out to us - Contact Youth Engagement Council Chair
Diane Cloutier HERE
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To view our privacy policy, click here.
102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
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