We encourage each club to take part in the EPIC Day of Service Event!
Click Here to watch the Day of Service Kick off Call Video.
Click Here to watch the Day of Service Kick off Call Video.
When ready a link to go to Day of Service Public Image Kit.
(the link goes to a google drive)
(the link goes to a google drive)
When Ready a link will be posted to Register your project
The links below will direct you the the Rotary Day of Service Website.
You can see what all the clubs participating are doing for their projects, sign up for a project and
share with family & friends.
You can see what all the clubs participating are doing for their projects, sign up for a project and
share with family & friends.
When ready a link will be posted to Order T-Shirts
Please note that the DOS shirts are with a new vendor. The design has been adjusted to remove the word Rotary from our primary logo, and now states "EPIC Day of Service" Nothing has changed on the rear of the shirt.
Pricing will be posted when available.
Pricing will be posted when available.
T-Shirts & Banner Orders when ready links will be posted

EPIC Day of Service - May 17, 2025
EPIC Day of Service
What is Rotary Day of Service?
On Saturday, May 18, 2024, more than 17 Rotary Districts, 10 States, 7 Countries, 800 Rotary Clubs & 30,000 Rotarians, volunteered in their communities for an unprecedented Rotary Day of Service. Clubs collected clothes for the unhoused, refurbishing parks, worked in food pantries, and much, much more.
Please join us for a rewarding day of service, friendship, and community spirit for the
2025 EPIC Day of Service!
2025 EPIC Day of Service!
*We encourage each club to participate as they can, partner with another organization, collaborate with another Rotary Club. Even if your project isn't on May 17th - make the month a Rotary Month of Service. There really are no rules, we want everyone to be able to participate as they can.
District 7950 Day of Service Committee
EPIC Day of Service Chair Person - Sharon Johnson DG - dgsharon2024@gmail.com
Committee Member -Nicole Brien, DGE - dg2025nicbrien@gmail.com
Committee Member - Joel Kopke, DGN - joel.kopke@gmail.com
EPIC Day of Service Chair Person - Sharon Johnson DG - dgsharon2024@gmail.com
Committee Member -Nicole Brien, DGE - dg2025nicbrien@gmail.com
Committee Member - Joel Kopke, DGN - joel.kopke@gmail.com
If you’ve always wanted to find a way to give back to your community, this is your chance!
You don’t have to be in Rotary to volunteer for the Day of Service.
You don’t have to be in Rotary to volunteer for the Day of Service.